Beyond Diagnosis
A paradigm Shift from Pathology to Innate Health
"Beyond Diagnosis" is more than just a book; it's a movement towards a more compassionate, understanding, and effective approach to mental health. It challenges readers to look beyond conventional treatments and diagnoses, advocating for a paradigm shift in how we perceive and address mental illness. With its rich historical context, personal stories of recovery, and critical examination of the mental health industry, this book is an essential read for anyone looking to understand the true nature of mental health and the potential for genuine recovery.

"Beyond Diagnosis" is a very welcome addition to the critical discourse around ‘mental health’. Chana calls out the mainstream ‘mental illness’ narrative with its endless list of labels and cookie-cutter treatments and encourages us to consider other ways of understanding and responding to emotional distress. It’s a hopeful breath of fresh air!
Jo Watson; Founder of A Disorder for Everyone.
Many of us have been given a mental health diagnosis. Sometimes it brings relief that we are not the only ones who feel this way, sometimes it feels good to be validated and listened to.
But when that feeling of relief wares off and we are left with a stigma, an identity crafted by someone else's opinion, where do we go next? Many of us have spent too many anxious hours trying to find help, going down dead ends, and feeling worse after talking with people who don't really understand.
When I discovered a new paradigm in psychology called the Three Principles it changed so many things for me. I realized I wasn't my pain or my emotions, my moods or fears. Once I started to understand this, I saw that I wasn't limited by my old ideas and belief systems, the stories I had told myself that had kept my life small. This is how all the people in my new book recovered and I mean fully recovered!
Read their inspiring stories, learn about the myths of psychological treatments, and see the results of evidence-based research!

Come and explore the myth of the chemical imbalance, how the DSM is really a list of coping mechanisms, and how 1000s of people actually get well even when they have been told they will be sick for the rest of their lives.
"There is one generic mental illness - a misunderstanding of the role of Thought." Sydney Banks
This is a unique opportunity to dive deeper into the Three Principles paradigm shift from pathology to Innate Health. for more info!